Ditches cannot be filled in before checking with the Road Commission.
The Wilson County Road Commission has adopted several policies to help protect and maintain our county road system. Policies were developed to ensure public safety, facilitate smooth traffic flow and protect our communities’ most precious resource, the environment. Please help us maintain our road system by following our adopted policies and obtain the proper permit for work performed in the road right of way. A complete list of permits is located in the “Permits” section of this web site.
Select one of the following categories below to learn the provisions of a given policy and the type of permit needed to construct, operate, maintain, use and/or remove anything in the road right-of-way.
Ditch Closures
Driveway Connection
1. Contact the Road Commission and give the following:
Daytime phone number
Road name
Directions to property
2. Place a flag in the middle of where the driveway will be located, or to the side of an existing driveway to be used.
3. Road Commission culvert foreman will size the culvert and notify you as to what size of Metal Culvert is required, if any.
4. When you have the culvert at driveway location, call the office at 615-444-9022 to schedule installation.
5. All culverts must be of a minimum of 24 feet in length.
Right of Way Regulations
WHEREAS, the Tennessee Code allows utilities to be placed within the County right-of-way, and
WHEREAS, the Tennessee Code, although varying in particulars concerning specific types of utilities, generally requires that permission be obtained from the County legislative body, County Road Commission or the Chief Administrative Officer of the Road Department prior to entering upon the County right-of-way to perform work, and
WHEREAS, the Tennessee Code also generally requires that work performed within the County right-of-way be performed under the direction and control of the Chief Administrative Officer of the County Road Department, and
WHEREAS, it is impractical for permission to be granted on a case-by-case basis by the County Road Commission or the County legislative body, and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to establish clear procedures and rules, to be administered and enforced by the Chief Administrative Officer of the Road Department, for the use of the County right-of-way by utilities, so as to minimize interference with vehicular traffic, minimize damage to the County right-of-way, minimize risks to the public safety and convenience, and minimize damage to utilities, and
WHEREAS, after the adoption of Resolution 14-8-7 by the Wilson County Commission in August, 2014, and after hearing the concerns of utility companies and other various utility providers, Resolution 14-8-7 is hereby amended such that the Resolution Approving Regulations Governing the Use of the County Right-of-Way will read as follows:
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Road Commission of Wilson County, Tennessee, meeting in regular session on this the 5th day of December, 2014 and the Board of County Commissioners of Wilson County, Tennessee, meeting in regular session on this the 15th day of December, 2014, that the following regulations shall apply to the use of County rights-of-way by utilities in Wilson County:
SECTION 1. The following regulations apply to all utilities. “Utilities” includes any underground line, system or facility, used for producing, storing, conveying, transmitting or distributing communications, electricity, gas, petroleum, petroleum products, hazardous liquids, water, steam or sewerage and other underground facilities and appliances. The regulations apply to all persons performing work within the County right-of-way. “Persons” includes, but is not limited to, individuals, utility districts, authorities, governmental entities and companies. “Persons” may also be referred to herein as “applicants”. The regulations apply to the installation, maintenance and removal of utilities unless otherwise provided.
SECTION 2. Except in cases of an emergency as defined herein, persons must obtain a permit from the County Highway Department, as a representative of a utility, either at the office of the Wilson County Road Commission, or online prior to performing any work within the County right-of-way. The permit request shall state the nature and purpose of the work to be performed, the date, location and estimated time of the beginning and end of the work at each site, and the name and contact information of the company or party to be performing the work. The permit request shall be accompanied by construction plans detailing the work to be performed, and shall state on the permit whether the applicant is requesting permission to bore under the road or to cut the road. Applicants shall also provide copies of any permit(s) required by other governmental agencies. Persons making requests to perform work in the County right-of-way shall use the permit request form designated as Attachment A to this Resolution. The permit may include special conditions, as determined in the sole discretion of the Chief Administrative Officer of the County Highway Department, for the protection of the County’s property, roads and rights-of-way, as well as the welfare and safety of the general public. Acknowledgment of receipt of a copy of these regulations shall be a part of the permit request. By issuance of a permit, applicants will be required to conform to these regulations as well as any additional conditions set forth in writing by the Chief Administrative Officer of the County Highway Department, unless waived by the Chief Administrative Officer of the County Highway Department, or his designee, such waiver to be in writing. Once physical work has commenced within the right-of-way, applicants, as recipients of a permit, agree to perform the work in accordance with these regulations and the permit issued hereunder, as well as all other applicable permits, regulations, laws, agency rules, resolutions and ordinances. Wilson County assumes no responsibility for any damage to utilities installed after the effective date of these regulations and that are not installed in accordance with the provisions and conditions of the permit and these regulations. Wilson County assumes no responsibility for any damage to utilities not maintained or removed in accordance with the provisions and conditions of the permit and these regulations.
(A)Every utility district, authority, company or individual currently having facilities (transmission lines, etc.) within a County’s public roads and/or rights-of-way, plus any other such district, authority, company or individual that may from time to time have occasion to operate within the County’s accepted public road system, shall maintain and provide a continuous surety bond to the Wilson County Road Commission in a minimum amount of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) or in such higher amount as may be determined, in the sole discretion of the Wilson County Road Commission Superintendent. Surety must be to the form of a Letter of Credit, or an applicant may choose to deposit a like amount in cash. If cash is used as surety, the amount shall be replenished when necessary to remain at the amount required. The Letter of Credit shall be made payable to the Wilson County Road Commission and the original must be filed at the office of the Wilson County Road Commission. The surety shall be in a form suitable to Wilson County and shall be executed by a financial institution, licensed to do business in Tennessee and reasonably acceptable to Wilson County. The surety must be from an approved financial institution chartered by the State of Tennessee and has an office or branch authorized to accept a demand or “call” on the securing document within fifty (50) miles of Lebanon, Tennessee. All payments shall be made by an authorized representative of every utility district, authority or company at the office of the Wilson County Road Commission in Lebanon, Tennessee or by any online payment system as may be established by the Wilson County Road Commission.
(B) Permits for work not being performed for a utility district or other company already having posted a surety in accordance with the provisions herein, shall also be required to provide adequate security as a requirement of the issuance of any permit. Additional specific surety may also be required from the utility district for major projects that are to be accomplished for an already bonded district, authority or company if the likelihood exists that damage to County property, road or right-of-way will exceed their surety. Such surety shall be in an amount established by the Wilson County Road Superintendent, in his sole discretion, and shall be in accordance with the bonding and surety requirements established in this regulation, and shall be held until the work has been inspected, approved and released by the County. Any applicant aggrieved by the amount of the additional specific surety established by the Wilson County Road Superintendent may appeal his decision to the Wilson County Road Commission, to be considered at the next regular meeting of the Wilson County Road Commission.
SECTION 4. All utility installations, maintenance and removals shall be done in accordance with the applicable technical specifications set forth in Attachment B to this resolution and any subsequent specifications adopted by the county legislative body and the county highway commission.
SECTION 5. The Department of Commerce and Insurance of the State of Tennessee (the “Department”) requires that all persons contracting to perform construction work within the State be qualified and licensed by the department if the work is equal to or in excess of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00). Requirements for obtaining such a license are determined by the Commissioner of the Department and may be obtained by contacting the Regulatory Boards Division. All persons and/or the company for which they are employed shall be duly licensed by the department, the State of Tennessee, and any other appropriate governmental agency. Proof of a currently valid Tennessee contractor’s license shall be presented when request for a permit is made, or a utility may provide proof satisfactory to the Wilson County Road Superintendent that the employees and/or contractor assigned to the project have the required qualifications necessary to construct and complete the work.
SECTION 6. As a condition of the issuance of a permit, applicants must provide proof of liability insurance with a minimum policy in the amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00).
SECTION 7. If the work that is the subject of the permit request is not of an emergency nature, the Chief Administrative Officer of the County Road Department may refuse or delay approval of the permit request if approval would unduly interfere with the work of the County Road Department or would cause undue inconvenience to the public. However, the Chief Administrative Officer’s approval of the permit request shall not be unreasonably withheld. In the event of an emergency, persons will not be required to comply with the regular permitting requirements set forth herein. For purposes of these regulations, “emergency” means an imminent danger to life, health, or property, whenever there is a substantial likelihood that loss of life, health or property will result before the procedures in these regulations can be fully complied with. In the event of an emergency, notice of any work within the county right-of-way shall be given to the Chief Administrative Officer of the County Highway Department in writing in the manner provided by Section 2 or by telephone, within two (2) hours of the beginning of any such activity. If notice is given by telephone, the agent of the person making the call shall enter the date and time of the call, the nature, purpose, and location of the work to be performed, the estimated beginning and ending times of the work, and the name and contact information of the company or party to be performing the work, on a standard permit request form and deliver it to the Chief Administrative Officer of the County Road Department by the next business day.
(THIS SECTION IS TO BE OMITTED) SECTION 8. The Chief Administrative Officer of the County Road Department may require an applicant to post collateral to ensure that the County road and right-of-way will be repaired to the same quality as before the excavation or other work was performed. The Chief Administrative Officer will determine the form, amount and sufficiency of the collateral. Should the Chief Administrative Officer of the County Road Department execute settlement of the collateral, the proceeds from such execution shall be payable to the Wilson County Road Fund. In the event of an emergency, as defined herein, the Chief Administrative Officer of the County Road Department may require the person to post collateral as provided herein for non-emergency work as a condition for continuing work in the county right-of-way. In the event work is abandoned for a period of thirty (30) consecutive days or a time period specified in the permit, whichever is less, then the Chief Administrative Officer of the County Road Department shall be authorized to execute settlement of the collateral in his sole discretion. The proceeds from such execution shall be used to repair roads and rights of ways to pay all other reasonable costs. Any leftover proceeds will be returned to applicants.
SECTION 9. (a) Persons shall replace or repair any portion of the pavement, shoulders, bridges, culverts, or any other part of the County right-of-way that may be disturbed or damaged as a result of their work performed in the right-of-way. The County right-of-way shall be repaired following installation, maintenance and/or removal of utilities. The right-of-way shall also be repaired if damaged as a result of future line failure or leakage. The Chief Administrative Officer of the County Road Department shall be notified prior to any backfilling or bedding of any utility. In the event a person covers, conceals or obscures work in violation of these regulations or in violation of a directive from the Chief Administrative Officer of the County Road Department, such work shall be uncovered and displayed for the County’s inspection upon request and shall be reworked at no cost in time or money to the County.
(b) Whenever practical, the Chief Administrative Officer of the County Road Department, upon the County Road Department receiving a permit request, shall inspect the site before the work begins and shall inspect the site after the work is completed. Inspection by an engineering firm, paid for by the applicant and hired or approved by the County, shall be required, at the discretion of the Chief Administrative Officer of the County Highway Department, for extensive construction or work within the County right-of-way as a condition to issuance of the permit. In addition, persons shall reimburse the County for all testing, inspections, reasonable attorney and professional fees, and other expenses incurred as a result of any deficient work within ninety (90) days of receipt of an invoice from the County Road Department.
(c) After such inspection(s), if, in the opinion of the Chief Administrative Officer of the County Road Department, the condition of the roadway or right-of-way has been damaged and has not been properly repaired, the Chief Administrative Officer of the County Road Department shall determine the nature of the work necessary to return the roadway or right-of-way to a condition substantially equal to its condition before the work was performed, and shall give persons written notice of such deficiency in returning the roadway or right-of-way to its proper condition. As part of such notice, the Chief Administrative Officer shall inform the persons as to whether he/she has elected, in his/her sole discretion, to immediately execute settlement of the collateral and use the proceeds to repair the damage or to allow the persons to repair the damage themselves. If the Chief Administrative Officer elects to allow the persons to repair the damage themselves, such repairs must be completed to the satisfaction of the Chief Administrative Officer within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notice of deficiency. If the damage is not satisfactorily repaired within the thirty (30) day period, the Chief Administrative Officer shall execute settlement of the collateral and use the proceeds to repair the damage. Regardless of which option is initially chosen by the Chief Administrative Officer, if the collateral is not sufficient to complete the necessary repairs, the Chief Administrative Officer shall facilitate the necessary repairs and persons shall reimburse the County Road Department for the cost of such repairs within ninety (90) days of receipt of an invoice from the County Road Department.
SECTION 10. Persons performing work within the County right-of-way shall be responsible for road damages, personal injury, property damages or any other damages caused by any negligence on their part, including but not limited to, the improper placing of or failure to display construction signs, danger signs and other required signage and will bear any expense proximately caused by their operation on the right-of-way. This applies whether the applicant or someone acting on the applicant’s behalf performs the work. Persons shall provide proper signage, flaggers, barricades, flashing lights or other methods to warn the public of open trenches, obstructions or other impediments to travel. Signage shall conform to the most current edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Persons shall keep all traveled ways clear of obstructions and equipment not directly connected with the project or operation. Any inspection or control exercised by the Chief Administrative Officer of the County Highway Department shall in no way relieve the applicant from any duty or responsibility to the general public nor shall such services and/or control by the Chief Administrative Officer of the County Road Department relieve the applicant from any liability for loss, damage, or injury to persons or adjacent properties.
SECTION 11. For all utilities located above ground, including location signage, persons shall maintain sufficient weed and brush control within a ten (10) foot radius such that said utilities are easily visible. Wilson County assumes no responsibility for any damage to any utility that is improperly located, signed or maintained for visibility.
SECTION 12. If, at any future time, it should become necessary in the maintenance, construction or reconstruction of a county road to have applicant’s utilities removed in order that said road may be properly maintained, constructed or reconstructed or in the event said utilities should, at any time, interfere with the use of said road, the applicant agrees, upon being requested so to do by the Road Department, to remove said utilities promptly, at its own expense and without cost to the road department, unless any requested removal should be contrary to any law of the State.
SECTION 13. Applicant shall be responsible for any conflicts with other utilities or appurtenances that are on the County road right-of-way and shall notify the respective owner(s) of any conflicts and secure the owner’s permission for any alterations.
SECTION 14. By approving the applicant’s permit request, the Wilson County Road Department does not grant the applicant any right, title or claim to any road right-of-way and in granting this permission to go upon the right-of-way does not, in any way, assume the maintenance of the applicant’s utilities.
SECTION 15. Approval of an applicant’s permit request shall become void if the work that is the subject of the request is not commenced within thirty (30) days of the date of the permit request.
SECTION 16. The Chief Administrative Officer of the County Road Department may employ the County Attorney, or other attorney as provided in Tennessee Code Annotated Section 54-7-110, to seek an injunction against any party in violation of these regulations. The Chief Administrative Officer of the County Road Department may issue a stop work order if work is being performed in violation of these regulations. Any person violating these regulations shall also be subject to a fine of up to Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) per violation, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated Section 5-1-121. A “violation” is defined as each day a person is in non-compliance with these regulations.
(ADDITION TO SECTION 16): Any fine assessed may be taken from any Letter of Credit on file.
SECTION 17. A permit may be denied, suspended or revoked by the Chief Administrative Officer of the County Highway Department when the Chief Administrative Officer has determined that the operation is not being and/or will not be conducted in a manner as prescribed by applicable regulations, rules, resolutions, ordinances or laws. Any violations deemed of a significant nature by the Chief Administrative Officer of the County Highway Department, or unwarranted damages done to the road system, may result in a permit being denied, suspended or revoked. The Chief Administrative Officer of the County Road Department shall report all such actions to the County Road Commission and County Attorney. Failure to obtain a permit, abandoning the project, conducting work which is not in accordance with the plans approved by the Chief Administrative Officer of the County Road Department or obtaining a permit under the emergency provision when no emergency exists, may also be grounds for denial of future permit requests.
SECTION 18. Pursuant to the Competitive Cable and Video Services Act, Tennessee Code Annotated Section 7-59-310, as a condition of the issuance of a permit allowing for open trenching, the applicant shall provide at least fifteen (15) days’ notice prior to the initiation of any work in the County right-of-way to all providers of cable or video services within the County. The notice shall include the particular dates in which the trenches will be available for such cable or video service providers for the installation of conduit, pedestals or vaults, and laterals. This requirement shall be limited to new construction or property development in which utilities will be laid in the County right-of-way.
SECTION 19. In addition to complying with the regulations set forth herein, applicants shall also comply with any and all applicable subdivision and storm water regulations.
SECTION 20. In the event of the occurrence of extraordinary circumstances, the Chief Administrative Officer of the County Road Department may modify provisions of these regulations to address the particular situation. The burden of proving such extraordinary circumstances rests with the individual seeking relief. Monetary hardship shall not constitute extraordinary circumstances. Any such approval of a variance from these regulations and any modified conditions or specifications issued by the Chief Administrative Officer shall be in writing.
SECTION 21. These regulations, as amended, shall be effective from and after January 1, 2015. Acknowledgment of receipt of a copy of these regulations shall be a part of the permit request.
SECTION 22. Wilson County reserves the right to modify this resolution in any manner in the future by a majority vote of the Wilson County Road Commission. Said modifications shall not require the approval of the Wilson County Commission, except for any modifications to the amount of any fine that may be assessed under this amended resolution.
SECTION 23. This resolution shall be effective from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
APPROVED: _____________________________, Chairman, Wilson County Road Commission
ATTEST: _________________________________, Secretary, Wilson County Road Commission
DATE: ____________________________________
APPROVED: _______________________________, Wilson County Mayor
ATTEST: ____________________________________, Wilson County Clerk
DATE: _______________________________________
August 1, 2014
December 5, 2014
Plats may be signed in our office by the Road Superintendent and Assistant Road Superintendent only.
Office hours are Monday – Thursday 7am to 4pm.
Specs for Subdivisions

- We had a tree fall across our road, Elizabeth drive, took out an electric line...all that stuff. Wilson county road commission showed up in force at 6 am, did a great job, had it cleared in under an hour...great bunch of guysJohn Cunningham
- Called for a repair. Done quickly. Thanks a lot!!Samuel Santos
- Wilson Co. Is my home,the best place in the world.( Possom Town) yeah!Bobby Edwards